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Los Angeles Consumer Beware

Dear Prospective Students:

Beware of online bartending schools, some even claim to be ABC Bartending Schools. They are not. They just have a domain name that seems to say they are a part of ABC Bartending Schools Nationwide, and they try to confuse the public into thinking it's an ABC sponsored class.

You can't learn to bartend with an online program. The Only way to understand a skill set like bartending is hands-on-training and working behind a real bar. That's what bartending schools do, they put you behind a real bar to build up your speed, memory and acclimation to the real world.

We have received thousands of phone calls over the years from all over the United States, at our different school locations, from prospective students complaining how they where ripped off, lost their money and came away with nothing from these online classes. Plus, most of the complaints about online programs where that once they took your credit card, your money was lost no matter what they stated online.

If you just want to learn drink recipes go to a book store. It’s a lot cheaper than an online course. Also, don't forget that some schools offer 2-hour Bartending Boot Camps for the same amount as an online program, but you actually work behind a real bar.

All in all, they are not a good investment in learning how to bartend. Remember, "you can't learn how to drive a car without a car," the same applies to learning how to bartend.


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